Treasurehouse of Makeup

How to Make a Wig for the Stage

how to make a wig

Wigs have been a staple in fashion and beauty for centuries, offering transformative experiences for those who wear them in public and on the stage. Whether you’re looking to change up your style or seeking a solution for hair loss, knowing how to make a wig can be a rewarding skill. In this detailed article, we will look into taking accurate head measurements, forming a wig foundation, preparing the hair, assembling the wig, exploring other wig tutorials, and finding the ultimate wig design that will suit you and its purposes. 


What Products and Tools Are Essential on How to Make a Wig?

Before you begin your journey with us on how to make a wig, this process requires a collection of specific tools and products. While it might seem overwhelming at first, many of these items might already be in your possession. 

For those new to wig making, here’s what you need to get started:

Types of Wigs to Make

You should also be aware of the different types of wigs available and their unique features.


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The Complete Guide To Making Your Own Wig

Whether you’re crafting a wig for personal use or designing one professionally, understanding the process of wig-making is crucial for an optimum design. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make wigs that look natural, feel comfortable, and last for years.


1. Take head measurements

Get accurate measurements of the head that you are designing the wig for. Using a cloth tape measure, measure around the head at the hairline, ensuring it wraps just above the ears. Remember, the tape should lie flat against your hair without being too tight.


2. Choose the right lace cap or hair

Selecting a lace cap that closely resembles your scalp colour will ensure a more natural look. When it comes to hair, invest in high-quality bundles. This not only enhances the wig’s appearance but will also enable it to last longer.


3. Set the foundation

Place the net cap on your mannequin head. Adding an elastic strap at the end will provide extra security, ensuring your wig stays in place.


4. Hair Preparation

Measure and cut the hair extensions to fit the wig cap’s circumference. This step is needed for a snug fit and a natural fall.


5. Begin sewing

Start by stitching the frontal or closure. Whether you prefer hand-stitching or machine sewing, it nevertheless needs to remain secure. Some say that using a sewing machine will allow the wig to last up to three years. When adding tracks, sew them in a U-shape, starting from the back. For added volume, consider double stitching the wefts.


6. Knotting the hair onto the lace

Using a ventilating tool, knot sections of hair onto the lace foundation. This process involves creating loops with the hair and securing them onto the lace with single or double knots.


7. Start from the neck

Always begin from the bottom of the neckline, working your way up. The sides should have double knots, while the crown should have single knots to avoid excessive thickness.


8. Direction matters

When you reach the wig’s crown, divide the top into six sections. Knot the strands evenly in each direction for a natural look.


9. Conceal the ribbons

To ensure the ribbons aren’t visible, turn the wig inside out and stitch hair along the ribbons’ inside edge.


10. Add steel springs

Sewing short steel springs around the wig’s temples, neck, and forehead gives the hair a natural lift. These springs should be discreet and hidden beneath the hair.


11. Styling Time

Once all the hair is in place, part and style the wig as desired. If you’re unsure about styling, consider consulting a hairstylist.


12. The Final Fit

Your wig is now ready! Try it on and make any necessary adjustments. Remember, a well-made wig should feel comfortable and look natural.


Caring For Your Wig

Proper care and maintenance of your wig will aid in its longevity and continued natural appearance. 

One of the first things to consider when learning how to make a wig is how to store one. Using a mannequin stand and head is ideal as it helps in retaining the wig’s shape and prevents any tangling. If you’re someone who travels often, you should consider purchasing a protective wig box, preferably lined with silky material, to protect your wig during your journeys. 

Depending on what you want to use your wig for, we recommend removing it daily if you wear it often; this will give both your scalp a break and reduce the overall wear and tear on the wig. When it comes to cleaning, be gentle, especially when cleaning.

Avoid any actions that might stretch the wig, ensuring it retains its shape and fit even after numerous washes. Proper care will not only prolong the life of your wig but also ensure it remains a natural-looking accessory in your makeup classic set kit bag


For more tips on caring for your wig, check out the dos and don’t of wig maintenance


Make A Wig Fit For The Stage

There is truly an art to wig-making, since it requires precision, patience, and a little bit of creativity, too. From taking accurate head measurements, selecting the right materials, to the actual process of making the wig, each step is important in how your wig will turn out. Knowing how to care for your wig correctly will ensure it gets a long lasting life, and will maintain a natural, healthy appearance too without the concern of the strands curling or drying out. Some people like to include wigs in their makeup bags, and if you are a beginner, here are the essential items that you need in your makeup kits for beginners

You should be proud of your accomplishment after following our tips on how to make a wig, so be sure to share your results on social media and tag us!


Is it cheaper to make your own wigs?

It can be cheaper to make your own wigs, especially if you source quality hair bundles at a good price and make the wig yourself. However, the initial investment in tools and materials might make the first wig comparable in price to buying a pre-made one. Over time, as you make more wigs, the cost per wig can decrease. Additionally, making your own wig allows for customization in terms of hair density, colour, and style, which might be more expensive if ordered custom from a wig maker.

How much does it cost to make your own wig?

The cost to make your own wig can vary widely based on several factors:
  • Type of Hair: Human hair, especially high-quality or specialty hair like virgin or Remy hair, will be more expensive than synthetic hair.
  • Length and Density: Longer and denser wigs require more hair bundles, increasing the cost.
  • Wig Cap Type: Lace frontals and closures can be pricier than basic wig caps.
  • Tools and Supplies: Initial investment in tools might add to the cost, but these are one-time purchases.



Ultimate Looks (2018) The Do’s and Don’ts of Wig Maintenance. Ultimate Looks. [online] Available at: [accessed 13/10/23]

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